
A1 in combination with moulds is excellent suited to create panels in all kinds of shapes and expressions. Panels that also can be used in an outdoor environment. To give you a better idea of the different possibilities we show you some video’s with examples of panels made with A1.

If you are interested to learn more about the possibilities of panels/claddings made with A1 we suggest you visit our website On this page you will find an overview of cladding projects made with A1. 

1.0 Casting your A1 panels is the most easy and straight forward way of making your own A1 panel, as we show you in this video.
Fillers and pigments can be used to create the desired expression and in combination with the structure in your mould it will surprise you how detailed your panels will be. In this example we have added A1 chips which, after sanding, will create a terrazzo feel and look.
Because of the lack of any glass fabric the end result will be relatively easily breakable. However by casting the A1 a little thicker the panel will be more than strong enough to use.    

2.0 By adding our Triaxial Glass fibre, in this case two layers, we add a lot of strength to the A1 panel. Also important to notice is that the thickness of the panels is only 5 mm, which is a fraction of the thickness needed compared to casting.

As we are using glass fiber we need to work in 2 steps. This first step is a layer of A1 which we normally would pigment and/or add fillers. The thickness of this layer is 1 to 2 mm.

After applying the first layer we have to wait for the A1 to cure which will normally be within 30 to 40 minutes. When the top layer is strong enough we can laminate the two layers of glass fiber. We start with a layer of A1 after which we apply the glass fiber into the wet A1. We repeat this process one more time. Important to work wet in wet to make sure you get the optimum adhesion between the different layers.

3.0 Again a panel with two layers of glass fabric reinforcement. What makes this panel interesting is the use of two different coloured A1 layers to create a real brick feel and look. By applying some sand or powder pigment into the mould before you apply the first layer of A1 some extra structure is created.
Normally you can demould a panel like this after 1 to 2 hours after you have finished laminating the last layer of A1.  
4.0 This flat panel could be used as a kind of wall paper when mounted onto a wall. As only two layers of glass fiber are used the panels will have a thickness between 3 to 4 mm. 
What makes this panel special is not only the very fine and detailed structure of the mould but also the use of iron powder into the first layer. After we have placed it into contact with water and air the iron powder in the A1 started to rust, which creates an interesting panel which is hardly to distinguish from a real rusted metal panel. 
Can you imagine this into your own house or shop, including a stamp “made by me”.
5.0 The working methods stay the same, but by using a curved mould, made of metal in this case, in combination with some silicone patterns we create a completely different A1 panel. 
To create some extra strength we have used 4 layers of our Triaxial Fiber. Also did we laminate 2 wooden rails for extra structure but also for fixing against the wall or another column. Please note that by using wooden rails this object can only be used indoors.   

6.0 By adding yellow sand this A1 column not only gets a sandstone feel and look but also the fire rating increases from an B1 classification to an A2 classification, which is comparable to bricks and concrete.

The working method remains the same, although you will notice that they are applying two layers as the first two layers. This is done to make sure the final toplayer is thick enough so no glass fabrics will shine through. Also they use the sand in all the different layers. Not only do they save some money by replacing the A1 with sand but more importantly, where any damage occurs to the panels, it will not be easily visible because all is made in the same color.

Please note the fine details of the lines into the columns.

7.0 In this video we would like to show you that also bigger panels are possible with A1. Working method still remains the same but the size increases. Again yellow sand is used to create a real sandstone feel and look which matches the sandstone structure of the mould.

Stiffness and thickness is created by laminating a sheet into the A1 panels. This makes this panel not suitable for outdoor use as the wooden sheet will attract too much moisture.

8.0 Although the size increases and the shape of the mould goes up and down, the working method still remains the same, resulting in impressive A1 objects/panels. 

For this project they used a mould made of EPS because of the shape of the element. This was covered with plaster, a paint system and a release wax to make sure the A1 would release properly.

You will have noticed the wooden support elements laminate into the object. This was not only used for extra support but also as a fixing system as this panel is one part of an impressive indoor ceiling.     

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Disclaimer: All (technical) advice and treatment and the possible applications regarding the products are given without obligation, and to the best knowledge and effort, as well as the current state of technology, without an obligation to create results and without any liability. We recommend that the prospective user determines the suitability of our materials and suggestions before adopting them on a commercial scale.